Champions Cup 2024 - Rutland Sailing Club

Sat 21st - Sun 22nd September


Entry to the Champions Cup 2024 can be found here

Pre entry is now Open

Here is a direct link to The Champions Cup Competition Rules any questions email Bob here 


(Be sure to see event specific information) 

Notice of Race (Go to official notice board)

Sailing Instructions (Go to official notice board)

Champions Cup Competition Rules

Champions Cup Team Registration Form

Print An Entry Form Here

Other event documents and policy documents including Covid policies and procedures

Course Race Flags 2024 (Go to official notice board)

Contact & Helpline

Are you confused? Have any Questions? Need Assistance email Bob or Telephone 07889-161780


Please book camping in advance directly with Rutland Sailing Club go here 


Branded event merchandise will be available for sale from partners Fine Designs


The galley will be open all weekend serving Breakfast, Lunch,  Dinner & snacks.

The Robert Cartwright Memorial Trophy

This stunning perpetual trophy is be awarded as part of the National Windsurfing Championships, it is in memory of Rob Cartwright, a young windsurfer who always had fun on the water and did so with an abundance of passion, enthusiasm, and commitment to the sport of windsurfing, these are the core values this trophy celebrates.
Nominations can be put forward by anyone, sailors, parents, coaches and volunteers. You can nominate any windsurfer who, in your opinion, demonstrates the core values that the trophy represents.
Rob Cartwright (aged 12) loved windsurfing and could always be seen with a smile on his face, going as fast as he possibly could and 'normally' in the right direction!
Rob was a member of the RYA West Zone Windsurfing Squad whilst his older sister Sarah, also a talented sailor, had been a member of the RYA National Youth Squad. “Rob was a fantastic squad member, friends with all the other sailors in the squad and was regarded as a joy to coach”, as his RYA Coach at the time said. “Whilst not always winning every competition, he would always enjoy himself and never gave-up, finishing virtually every race he entered”.
The family attended an RYA Zone Windsurfing training weekend, and it was on the way home on the Saturday that Robert was tragically killed, along with his father Phil, when their car was involved in a head-on collision. Rob’s mother Pat was seriously injured and has made a remarkable recovery. Sarah, who was also injured, has continued to be involved in the sport of windsurfing, coaching and volunteering.
It is a great honour each year, to have Pat and Sarah in attendance at the Championships, to present the trophy in person to an inspiring individual. Past winners of the Rob Cartwright Trophy include Richard Hamilton, Paul Sibley, Izzy Hamilton, Max Bushell, Emily Hall, Rob York and Matt Barton and Matt and Josh Carey, Zed Spencer Milnes, Erin and Islay Watson, James Faley, Catrin Williams, Oscar Shaw and Charlie Bennett.

or print and hand in at event here


Rutland Sailing Club, Gibbet Lane, Edith Weston, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8HJ

Rutland SC map


Book directly with Rutland Water Campsite Here


Accommodation is available at the sailing club, plus there is plenty of local accommodation examples of which can be seen HERE

Terms of attendance

The UKWA reserves the right to exclude or expel any member / non member / family / group or individual from its event site should it be considered that they may by their actions or the perception of such bring the UKWA, its hosts other parties or individuals into disrepute. The UKWA Committee, in part or in it’s entirety, shall be the sole judge of such action, and their decision is deemed final.

Persons expelled shall leave the event site within 30 minutes of any verbal notice and shall not return. Exclusion may be deemed temporary (this event) or permanent (all events). Permanent expulsion shall be the decision of the elected committee and shall be confirmed in writing within 21 days of any temporary expulsion, however any excluded individual may not attend any UKWA events during this period of consideration.