Slalom 1 - all fleets OTC-Surf Doctor - Weymouth Academy

Sat 12th - Sun 13th April


This is the entry page for all Boards and WingFoils

Slalom Fleets for 2025

Slalom represents windsurfing in its purest form. No matter what your ability, the kit you use or the discipline you specialise in.

At a Slalom event you choose a fleet to suit your interest, your kit and your ability. Everyone is welcome.

Slalom Fleet Division- Fin only - Racing in 11knots+ Any Slalom Boards (additional freeride boards   may be used as required). Any Sail

Freeride Fleet Division - Fin only - Racing in 11knots+ Any Freeride Board. Any Freeride Sail

A list of slalom boards & sails excluded in the freeride fleet will be published, anyone in doubt should contact prior to any event. The excluded kit list can be found on The Official Notice Board

Lightwind foiling may also be offered for the National Fleet should conditions permit, in 7-11 Knots. A separate set of results will be published. This is optional and included in your entry fee.

            Foil racing - 7-15 knots

            Fin Racing - 11 knots+

The race committee will decide which format is being raced at any given time. The decision will be made based on conditions at the time and the perceived forecast. The fleet being raced can change at any given time

A full list of equipment limitations for all slalom fleets can be found both on The Official Notice Board and here Equipment limitations for all slalom fleets 2024.

For the National, International and Foil fleets you need to be a UKWA member to enter an event, then online entry is easy (see membership for more details).

If you are not a member of the UKWA you can still enter in the Master Blaster fleet. See the link on the individual event pages or you may enter on the day.

Mr Masterblaster "The Ancient Mariner" (Brian)


Equipment limitations for all slalom fleets 2025

Excluded Kit List - National Freeride Fleet 2025 V1

Notice of Race (Go to official notice board)

Sailing Instructions (Go to official notice board)

Slalom Flags (Go to official notice board)

Event Sponsors

The OTC / The Official Test Centre

Surf Doctor 

Tour Sponsors


Who Can Enter?

Within these fleets the following age categories (divisions) may be recognised:

How do I enter & how much will it cost.

Entry will be online only.

On Line Pre entry closes at 10pm on the Monday prior to each event. Should you miss the deadline please contact

In addition when you pre enter on line if you enter 5 or more events across Slalom, Wing Foiling and or Course Racing National Championships (excluding National Windsurfing Championships) you will receive a 15% pre entry Discount.

How much will it cost?

National & International Fleets

Adult £80

Junior/Youth Under 20/Full time student £65

Late entries may be accepted however there is a £5 late entry fee

Note: Event entry fees at Weymouth are £5 more than other locations.

Please Note: Only members can pre enter National or International fleets. You will need to log in to see the entry options.

Master Blaster

Master-Blaster entry in 2025 will be £35, whichever event you choose to enter including insurance for non members. Entry is by the Pay-Pal button on the event page. Below

Adult £40

Junior/Youth/Full time student Under 21 £40

Note: Event entry fees at Weymouth are £5 more than other locations.

Competitor's name
Membership no. (if applicable)

Please Note: You need to be a member of the UKWA to enter any slalom National or International events. Entry to masterblaster automatically gives temporary membership. To join the UKWA go to JOIN HERE.


Please contact WPNSA Directly

Is there anything else I should do ?

You should read the Notice of Race

You should read the Sailing Instructions

These two documents should tell you everything you need to know about racing at the event. Of course if its your first time or you have not attended for a while then you may have a question or two. See contact below.

Competitors should make every effort to display their sail number. Sailors without a number displayed will be asked to fabricate a number on the day.


For any help/ further information you require please contact Bob Ingram here

Slalom Sponsors Rash Vests

All sailors shall wear a sponsors rash vest when afloat.

Pro fleet - Yellow

Amateur fleet – Blue

Masterblaster fleet - Orange

The rash vest shall be worn over any other clothing / wetsuit and remain visible at all times, however they may be worn under any personal flotation device if preferred.

Rash vests may purchased from the race office.

Purchase £20.


The UKWA will be using its Public Address System to make announcements this weekend

However in addition we will be using a smartphone App. Whilst the PA system works well if you are in proximity, we can now talk to you directly via your smartphone throughout the event.

Not only can we talk to you, if you miss the transmission you can play it back so you never miss a thing.

If you want to be part of this then please search for and download the App called Zello Once you are signed up you go to Channels and search for UKWA including the UKWA logo.

So long as you have the App open at the event you will receive our transmissions

Further details at the events, just ask a member of the race crew.

Please note: Neither of the above replaces an individuals responsibility to The NoR, The SI's, Flags and The official Notice board


The UKWA welcomes your honest feedback on its events. Your feedback at the event or completed within 4 days on line will be collated and published on line with a selection of comments. You may add your name or remain anonymous.

Please download a form here Feedback Form and e-mail to The Feedback Administrator

Feedback Results

Results of the event feedback and a selection of comments will be p


Weymouth & Portland Sailing Academy.

WPNSA, Osprey Quay, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1SA Tel 01305 866000

About The Academy

WPNSA officially opened on 1st April 2000, with residence taken up in the converted ex-naval offices, whilst the plans for the new Academy were taking shape.

The clubhouse was opened officially in June 2005 and includes 30 pontoons, new slipways and much expanded room for boat storage and car parking.

The academy has excellent shower, toilet and changing facilities. In addition there is a cafe style restaurant with free wi-fi including use of two computers. A viewing deck overlooks the harbour.

There is no grass for rigging and although large carpet mats have been installed these soon get full so a rigging mat is always a good idea.

The slipways at Weymouth are generally extreamly slippy, so extra care should always be taken especially at low water.

Academy Website:


By Car From DorchesterTake A354 to WeymouthFrom Poole and BournemouthTake A352, which then becomes A353 to Weymouth From BridportTake B3157 to Weymouth

When you arrive at WeymouthTake the A354 to Portland. This will bring you to the causeway linking Weymouth and Portland. Halfway along the causeway you will reach a mini-roundabout. Turn left, we are signposted 'Sailing Academy'.

By BusWeymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy has it's own bus stop.


Turnstones B&B is walking distance away, other accommodation can be found at Visit Weymouth. Other options are Sky View apartments, Contemporary Cottages, Spinnaker House, Portland Roads, The Venue and Dream Cottages. has a listing of B&Bs and other accomodation.

Terms of attendance

The UKWA reserves the right to exclude or expel any member / non member / family / group or individual from its event site should it be considered that they may by their actions or the perception of such bring the UKWA, its hosts other parties or individuals into disrepute. The UKWA Committee, in part or in it’s entirety, shall be the sole judge of such action, and their decision is deemed final.

Persons expelled shall leave the event site within 30 minutes of any verbal notice and shall not return. Exclusion may be deemed temporary (this event) or permanent (all events). Permanent expulsion shall be the decision of the elected committee and shall be confirmed in writing within 21 days of any temporary expulsion, however any excluded individual may not attend any UKWA events during this period of consideration.