Tiree Triple Crown

9 October 2005

Just a last minute reminder about a few important points before the start of the Tiree Triple Crown Event next weekend.

Registration is at the Tiree Lodge Hotel on Saturday 15th October immediately after the ferry arrives between 11.00 and 13.00. If you are already on the island you must make sure you get to the hotel for registration.

Even if you have pre entered you are still required to attend registration between those times, if you do not you risk not being included in the heat draw which will be done in the afternoon.

You all know that Super X is one of the disciplines so DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE A HELMET, they are mandatory and you will not be allowed to compete in that discipline without one.

All contestants are required to be fully paid up members of the UKWA for insurance purposes but if this is your first event and you take out UKWA membership there will be discount off the 2006 membership fee upon renewal.

Briefings will be at 09.30 each day, please be there or make arrangements for messages to be passed to you about the days venue and discipline as competition will start whether you are there or not.

Please do not forget we are guests on the island, it is important that we all behave in a responsible manner in all aspects of accommodation, partying and driving, (remember to wave at the locals) and don¹t drive all over the fields just follow the tracks.

If there are any Mums, Dads, Brothers or Sisters that are prepared to help Andy Groom and Graham Bobin out with beach crewing duties please let Andy know at registration, there are jackets, tee shirts and beer on offer.

Enjoy yourselves, have some good sailing and save some beer for me, I will be there on Thursday 20th.

Best regards, Trevor.

More on the event on the Tiree site.