Fat Face Night Windsurf confirmed - dates released!

22 May 2007

Fat Face, Night Windsurfing, National Windsurfing Festival.

Fat Face, the active lifestyle brand has confirmed that it will be running the second Night Windsurf on the 8-9th September 2007 on Hayling Island, following its spectacular inaugural event last year.

The 2006 event, which had the perfect weather conditions of 42 knots, attracted more than 350 entrants and was hailed as the ‘best windsurfing event in 20 years'. This year, Fat Face is anticipating over 500 entrants and spectator crowds of around 5,000 as word has been spreading about this awesome event, which is run in conjunction with the UKWA.

Ian Williams, Fat Face events manager commented:

"The Fat Face Night Windsurf proved to be one of the most popular events in the racing calendar because complete newcomers were competing against the biggest names in the industry, including Nick Baker and Fat Face Team Rider John Hibbard. This was a pretty exciting proposition for people who may only have read about these names and seen their photos in magazines."

Allan Cross, UKWA organiser comments:

"There will be racing during the day switching between the masterblaster, that will be open to all levels and will be run directly to and from the beach to create a massive spectacle, with Freewave SuperX culminating in the final heats which will start under the cover of darkness, flood lit by huge spot lights."

Williams continues:

"This year we'll be introducing even more workshops, where top names will be sharing their skills in all sorts of areas from the basics through to jumping and perfecting race starts."

Smile, you're on TV!

Fat Face has also upped the anti on its coverage of the event. Award winning TV Production company, Televisionary, will be filming and footage will be distributed immediately to news channels across the UK. Virals and downloads will also be produced so everyone can share the experience


Saturday, 8th September 2007

Registration will commence at 09:00
First event 11:00 and then hourly until 18:00 alternating between masterblaster and supercross.

Shore side: There will be talks and demos from the pros every 1.5 hours throughout the day.
We'll also be encouraging suppliers to take advantage of the captive audience and set up shop
so competitors can get kit and advice before and after their races.

The night windsurf is due to start at 20:30 in front of the party and run until 22:00

The prize giving will be at 22:30 with the partying carrying on till the early hours!

Sunday 9th September 2007
Registration will commence at 09.00 with racing continuing throughout the day.

14.00 - Final Prize Giving

Limited tickets to the after show party will also be available to non-competitors on the day, although early purchase is recommended as the event was sold out last year.