Finalblaster, Prize Giving and Party...
18 September 2007
Finalblaster, Prize Giving and Party
The final event of the season will now take place at Bournemmouth on November 17th..
On the water actvity will take the form of a Masterblaster - 2 or 3 races on saturday; 2 fleets- national and freeride- everybody is welcome to participate. Members and non members; expert or recreational enthusiast; bring friends and relatives !
The evening activity moves to the Bournemouth Pavilion for the Annual Prize Giving and end of season Party.
Entry fee for the masterblaster will be £25 and includes competitor entry to the evening function.
Tickets for the evening - £10 . Note "smart casual" dress code .
An entry form for the Masterblaster and ticket order form for the Prize Giving / Party will be available on line very soon.
Put the date in your diary -NOW !