Formula training day

19 October 2007

Our resident Formula rep & enthusiast Xavier Ferlet is organising an unofficial training / practice day for anyone interested. It was going to be tomorrow (Sat 20th), but has been postponed until 10-11th Nov due to a light forecast, but it will give more people an opportunity to attend.

The venue will depend on forecast, but will be one of Bewl, Whiwell (regional events) or Hayling Island, called on the Friday. Racing will be adapted to wind conditions (i.e. Formula if light/medium winds, slalom if ballistic).
The event will be called on or off on the Friday depending on forecast. Coaching will be provided free of charge by Xav and possibly other experienced racers.

Rescue cover will not be provided so riders sail under their own responsibility when taking part.

The venue will be announced depending on forecast. If it's windy inland, let's meet at a regional event (Bewl on Sat or Whitwell on Sun).
If there's no wind inland, the training day will most likely be held at Hayling Island (Inn on the Beach).
This training day will be followed by others that fit with the UKWA calendar.
To join the mailing list, please please email Xav on (tel 07940 577 116).