South West Cup, Racing, Slalom & Freewave

1 April 2007

St Micheal's mount

Marazion... no better place to spend Easter

If you have not already finalised your plans for Easter, it is not too late to consider a trip to Marazion on Penzance Bay.

A beautiful location with stunning scenery in the best part of cornwall:

St Michaels Mount is a world renowned feature and dominates Mounts Bay, designated "one of the most beautiful bays in the world ! ", and Marazion welcomes visitors.

It happens to be a great place to windsurf - racing or freewave. There are few UKWA locations where you may be joined by porpoise on the start line or a seal watching the freewave action from just off the beach!

And the long range weather forecast looks favourable for a good weekend's sailing.

Phil, the landlord, and his staff at the Station House will look after your daily food and drink requirements ; but if its nightlife you are after.. check out the Barn Club.

UKWA members will have free entry to 3 nights of action (fri to sun inclusive), including the JP/Neil Pryde Party night on Saturday, and "Back to the Eighties" special on Sunday.

Could be worth stopping over an extra couple of days just to recover - and beat the bank holiday traffic going home !