2008 AGM Agenda.....
15 April 2008
1. MINUTES of the 2007 UKWA AGM.
2. To receive the report from the Chairman.
3. To receive the FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year to 31 December 2007. Please please print your own copy to bring to the AGM. The detailed management accounts for 2007 are available to members, please email the office admin@ukwindsurfing.com quoting your membership number if you would like a printed copy.
4. Committee elections
At last year's AGM we agreed to restructure the Executive Committee, because of two main problems:
1. The size of the Executive Committee (board of directors):
~ makes it difficult to get them all together for a meeting, and
~ means that few issues are important to everyone present.
2. The composition of the board is not dictated by the Constitution or by any working agreement, and so it would be possible for it to over-represent some areas of the membership and under-represent others.
At the 2007 AGM we agreed to address the first problem immediately, and give the membership a year to prepare for the resolution to the second.
The solution to problem 1 was the introduction of a smaller Management Committee of the "senior" members of the Executive Committee, which is empowered to make decisions while keeping the board informed and consulting them on any major or contentious matters. This has worked well in 2007.
The solution to problem 2 will be the following new structure. It can be put into place under the existing constitution, but the Executive Committee will evaluate and revise it, if necessary, and then consider whether to incorporate it into the Constitution later.
The full board will remain about the same size, but will be structured to incorporate representatives of all the active areas of the Association. It will meet 3 times a year, to:
- allocate roles
- agree and then monitor the budget
- agree the outline programme for the following year, and then review completed activity, and
- set the general direction of the Association.
The roles and constituencies on the full Executive Committee will be as follows:
the first 6 will form the management committee:
Head of Finance (the Treasurer)
Head of Racing (Course and Slalom)
Head of Wave (& Freestyle)
Head of Speed
Head of Corporate Liaison (sponsors, corporate membership)
a representative of each internationally recognised class with a properly constituted class committee:
Techno 293
Funboard - Slalom
a representative of each active region [as measured by the existence of a viable regional event programme]:
London & SE
South West
North West
North East
a representative for each of the following specialist areas:
Bosun (equipment manager)
Race Crew
What you need to do:
All the above classes and regions should form a small committee, and elect a nominee for the Executive Committee.
Anyone who would like to help the Association with their time and skills should either:
~ Volunteer for their Class or Region Committee.
~ Put their name forward to any member of the Management Committee, with their interest or skills, to be part of the various working groups addressing specific areas of the organisation.
Nominees from the Class and Regional Committees will be listed before the AGM, and can then be elected en bloc at the AGM.
In accordance with the Articles of Association (Constitution) the following Officers and Committee Members are standing down:
Ian Jones (Chairman); John Ellis (Treasurer); Jay Williamson (Company Secretary); Pete Davis (Head of Speed); Allan Cross (Head of Corporate Liaison); Lucy Horwood (RS:X); Paddy Payne (Media); Chris Masters (Techno).
Matt Wemms [Head of Wave (& Freestyle)] resigned and was replaced during the year by John Hibbard
The following are offering themselves for re-election in the following roles:
Chairman - Ian Jones
Head of Finance (Treasurer) - John Ellis
Head of Racing (Course and Slalom) - Jay Williamson (Company Secretary)
Head of Speed - Pete Davis
Head of Wave/Freestyle - John Hibbard
Head of Corporate Liaison (sponsors, corporate membership) - Allan Cross
5. Any Other Business
Once the official business is over there will be an opportunity to discuss other matters that members wish to raise.
Please advise the Chairman in advance by contacting - info@ukwindsurfing.com