Allison's last uk event report, next stop Sopot
31 May 2008
The British Open in Christchurch, UK on the long weekend saw some of the best racing conditions of the season. 8 fantastic races were completed by the Formula, Raceboard, Techno and RS:X fleets with winds ranging from 6-26knots over the three days.
In the Formula fleet, the best represented class on the weekend, the local favourite Ross Williams showed his form and local knowledge, winning the event to Alberto Menagatti and Xavier Ferlet trailing in 2nd and 3rd.
Allison came a credible 8th overall out of the men while winning the British Open womens title for the first time. She said,
"Christchurch is a great venue for racing, it's safe to launch, there are nice grassy rigging areas, and the conditions were perfect for Formula racing. I will definately come back again!".
Allison who is promoting the Starboard Formula one design equipment raced every race on the 9.5m womens equipment proving again that the kit being proposed for the London 2012 Olympics is competetive with the open Formula fleets.
(note- the decision on equipment to be sailed in the 2012 Olympic Regatta will be made at the ISAF Conference(Madrid) in November 2008.)
Saturday after racing was cancelled, Allison held a presentation for the Formula windsurfing one design equipment, which sparked many questions from athletes and parents inquisitive about the new gear. Allison will now head to Sopot, Poland for the next Grand Prix on the calendar to showcase the gear before heading to Atlanta.