FWOD and Allison Shreeve visit Inlands 2.....
16 May 2008
Formula One Design European Tour
The second leg of a short european tour to promote the formula bid for 2012 begins with a visit to UK by Allison Shreeve (AUS911).
The three times (and current) formula world champion will be competing in the Inlands 2, before moving onto Christchurch for the British Open; and finally the Sopot (POL) Formula Grand Prix.
Allison has been training over the past few days with Rich Jones on Carsington Water, and is looking forward to meeting UKWA sailors at Whitwell.
Allison was selected to launch the 2012 bid and provide feedback to the FWOD Steering Committee on the performance of equipment submitted in the formula bid to ISAF.
Allison is very knowledgeable, and approachable ...ready, willing, and able to discus with ,answer questions from, anyone wanting to learn more about the project.
Here's a sample from her report on the Sines-Portugal Grand Prix that took place last week...
The board is fantastic. Well done! Really stable and not flying at all up wind in strong wind..Early planing...Easy to gibe and tack...Feels completely safe fully powered up down wind.
9.5 sail . I have tested this sail in all the wind ranges from 4-25knots over the past few days. The 9.5 FWOD sail is planing in 6knots and handling ok in 25knots.
For more information, check out the presentation on the Starboard website.