Ireland 4 Nations update ...ferry/

25 March 2008

A quick reminder (as if you needed it ! ) that the 2008 wave season starts next month with Round1 of the 4 Nations Series. The event takes place from April 17th to 21st the event will be hosted by the Irish Windsurfing Association and Jamie Knox Windsurfing.
Registration 0800-0900 17/04/08 at Jamie Knox waterpsorts shop and 1st skipper meeting 10.00am.You will also be able to register on the evening before at the local hostelry !

Once again there is a ferry deal.To book a discounted ferry competitors can now log onto using Brandon as the first name and BAY as Surname and your 2008 event code is SP131.
That code is only valid on the .ie website for euro payments. Code for website SP76

There is a special event price of 35 euro per person per night to stay at Jamie Knox's Lodge. NEW email address which ALL bookings must go through is

To pre enter and for further information you can contact:
Jamie Knox Watersports
Brandon Bay
The Maharees
Co. Kerry