WELSH CUP - Series 1...
22 April 2008
The UKWA CUP SERIES kicked off last weekend with the Welsh Cup and the UKWA's first trip to Swansea and the Gower.
The event was hosted by the Mumbles Yacht Club (MYC) , who made us feel very welcome and guaranteed we will be going back next year !
With a promising forecast, over 90 competitors headed into Wales - but a promising start soon evaporated on the saturday afternoon. Only one race completed for Raceboard,Techno and RSX.
It did not look good for Sunday ! however the wind swung and steadliy increased.... soon all fleets were racing! 3 races for all fleets except Formula who were given 4 back to back races to ensure all fleets had a discard.
One stunning, and encouraging, statistic was that the entry list included 57 youth and junior racers, nearly two thirds of the competitors.
Fleet winners
- Techno 293- Sam Sills ; 1st girl Becky Plummer; 1st 6.8 Kieran Martin
- RS:X - Al Masters; 1st girl Izzy Hamilton
- Raceboard - Robert Kent ; 1st Woman Annette Kent
- Formula - Xavier Ferlet ; 1st Youth Dan Simpson
Full results, photos and detailed report to follow soon.