Womens introduction to Formula and slalom day
29 May 2008
Joanna Wright (2007 UK Ladies Formula Champion), Xavier Ferlet (Vice Masters Formula World champion 2007 and UK Slalom Champion 2006) and Amy Carter (2003 Ladies World Youth Formula Champion) will be at Hayling Island on the 9th August from 10am offering help, advice and coaching for any ladies wanting to give Formula or Slalom windsurfing a go. The day will be supported by Tushingham who are bringing a full range of Slalom and Formula kit for everyone to try out.
The day is aimed at any ladies who fancy giving this type of windsurfing a shot and no previous experience is needed.
And the best part about the day is its completely free!
Look forward to seeing you there and fingers crossed for a bit of wind!
If you require any more information or plan to come to the day please email - jowright12@hotmail.com