Entry Now Open
6 March 2017
Entry is now open for the 2017 season in the following disaplines
UKWA National Championships (Cup)
UKWA Inland National Championships)
BSA Slalom Series
You need to log into the site before you can enter or even see the online entry options. Please make sure you complete the process right to the end including returning to the webite, this is the only way the process will be completed.
Online Entry
The UKWA events available for online entry are listed below. Please note that there is a pre-entry discount on National Championships and Slalom events only:
- 10% for pre-entering a single Cup/Slalom event. This must be received at least a week before the event starts.
- 20% for pre-entering 4 or more Cup/Slalom events.
Also, anyone can pay at the Paypal stage, it doesn't have to be the person entering.