Change of Date Stokes Bay Slalom

8 July 2024

Unfortunately the proposed Slalom event on the weekend of 7/8 September at Stokes Bay now clasher with The IFCA Slalom Worlds and The Round Hayling weekend.

To allow as many people as possible to attend both events, we will be moving this event to the weekend of 26/27 October, same venue.

This event will have some exciting new courses for all fleets and new commers will be especially welcome. More information coming soon, for now keep the date free and spread the word, fun racing for everyone.

Thank you to everyone who did take the trouble to pre enter for the 7/8 September, if you would like to roll over your entry fee to 26/27 October then please e-mail by midnight on Sunday 14th July after which anyone who has not made contact will automatically be refunded.