AGM Update
29 May 2012
John Derbyshire OBE, Racing Manager / Performance Director, Royal Yachting Association has been invited to attend the UKWA 2013 AGM.
He has kindly agreed to attend, and given his extremely busy schedule pre Olympic Games I am sure we will all want to take the opportunity to listen to the latest updates and views as he sees them.
Duncan Truswell, Youth Racing Manager has been updating the association over the past weeks and held a number of conference calls last week which Bob Ingram and others attended.
John Derbyshire will be speaking about the decision to include kite boarding in the 2016 Games replacing windsurfing and how this effects UKWA sailors, both Techno and RS:X, which will be of interest to all of our fleets.
There will be an opportunity for a question and answer session during the evening.